72-4481. Postsecondary technical educationauthority; membership qualifications; vacancies; meetings;compensation.(a) There is hereby established the postsecondary technicaleducationauthority. The authorityshall be composed of 12 members appointed as follows:
(1) Four members shall be appointed by the state board of regents. Of themembers appointed by the state board of regents: Two shall be members of thestate board of regents, or the designee thereof; one shall be a representativeof the community colleges which provides technical education, or the designeethereof; and one shall be a representative of the technical colleges in thestate, or the designee thereof;
(2) three members shall be appointed by the governor. Of the membersappointedby the governor: One shall represent Kansas business and industry; and twoshall represent the general public;
(3) one member shall be appointed by the president of the senate and shallbe a representative of business and industry;
(4) one member shall be appointed by the speaker of the house ofrepresentatives and shall be a representative of business and industry; and
(5) the commissioner of education, the secretary of commerce and thesecretary of labor who shall serve as ex officio members of the authority.
(b) When making appointments of the representatives of Kansas business andindustryand the general public, consideration shall be given to persons who arerecognized for theirknowledge or expertise and are representative of current and emerging technicalcareer clustersof the state. No more than two members of the authority shall be representativeof any onespecific technical career cluster. Of the members appointed to represent Kansasbusiness andindustry and the general public, there shall be appointed at least one memberfrom eachcongressional district. Redistricting of congressional districts occurringsubsequent to amember's appointment shall not disqualify any member of the authority fromservice.The state board of regents shall determine the technical career clusters of thestate.
(c) No more than five voting members of the authority shall be members of thesamepoliticalparty.
(d) Any vacancy in the membership of the authorityshall be filled by appointment in the same manner as provided for originalappointment ofthe member.
(e) The members of the authority shall meet and organize annually by electingonemember as chairperson, except that the governor shall designate the firstchairperson of theauthority from among the first members appointed.
(f) The authority may meet at any time and at any place within the state onthe call of thechairperson. A quorum of the authority shall be five voting members. Allactions ofthe authority shallbe by motion adopted by a majority of those voting members present when thereis a quorum.
(g) Members of the authority attending meetings of the authority, orattending asubcommittee meeting thereof authorized by the authority, shall be paidcompensation,subsistence allowances, mileage and other expenses as provided in K.S.A.75-3212, andamendments thereto, for members of the legislature.
History: L. 2007, ch. 199, § 1; May 24.