72-4482. Same; powers and duties; credit hourfunding distribution formula; vice-president ofworkforce development and executive director of authority.(a) The postsecondary technical education authority shall:
(1) Have delegated authority from the board of regents to coordinatestate-wide planningfor postsecondary technical education, new postsecondary technical educationprograms andcontract training. Such planning shall be conducted in coordination withfederal agencies, thestate board of education and other state agencies and Kansas business andindustry;
(2) recommend for adoption by the state board of regents rules andregulations for thesupervision of postsecondary technical education;
(3) review existing and proposed postsecondary technical educational programsandprogram locations and make recommendations to the state board of regents forapproval ordisapproval of such programs for state funding purposes;
(4) review requests of state funding for postsecondary technical educationand makerecommendations to the state board of regents for amounts of state funding andthe distributionthereof;
(5) develop benchmarks and accountability indicators of programs to beutilized in theawarding of state funding and make recommendations relating thereto to thestate board ofregents;
(6) develop and advocate annually a policy agenda for postsecondarytechnicaleducation;
(7) conduct continuous studies of ways to maximize the utilization ofresources availablefor postsecondary technical education and make recommendations for improvementin the use ofsuch resources to the state board of regents;
(8) conduct studies to develop strategies and programs for meeting needs ofbusiness andindustry and make recommendations relating thereto to the state board ofregents;
(9) make reports on the performance of its functions and duties together withanyproposals and recommendations it may formulate with respect thereto to thestate board ofregents and the legislature;
(10) coordinate the development of a seamless system for the delivery oftechnical education between the secondary-school level and thepostsecondary-school level; and
(11) (A) develop and recommend to the state board of regents a credit hourfunding distribution formula for postsecondary technical training programsthat (i) is tiered to recognize and support cost differentials in providinghigh-demand, high-tech training, (ii) takes into consideration targetindustriescritical to the Kansas economy, (iii) is responsive to program growth and (iv)includes other factors and considerations as deemed necessary or advisable; and(B) establish and recommend to the state board of regents the rates to be usedin such funding distribution formula.
(b) Recommendations adopted by the authority pursuant to subsection (a) shallbe submittedto the state board of regents. A recommendation of the authority shall beimplemented by the stateboard unless the state board, by majority vote thereof, vetoes therecommendation within 45 daysof the submission of the recommendation to the state board.
(c) (1) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2), the state board ofregents and thepostsecondary technical education authority shall appoint a vice-president ofworkforce developmentwho shall serve as the executive director of the postsecondary technicaleducation authority.The vice-president for workforce development shall be in the unclassifiedservice under the Kansascivil service act. Such person shall not be a member of the authority and shallserve at the pleasureof the state board of regents.
(2) The state board of regents shall develop a procedure for the appointmentof the vice-president of workforce development. Such procedure shall providefor the participation of theKansas association ofcommunity college trustees and the Kansas association of technical schools andcolleges, or thesuccessor organizations thereof, in the selection of thevice-president of workforcedevelopment.
History: L. 2007, ch. 199, § 2;L. 2009, ch. 24, § 24; July 1.