72-5114. State and federal funds; allocation and distribution; wheredeposited; payments.The state board shall be responsible for the allocation and distributionof state and federal funds for food service programs in accordance withthis act and with the state plan. Such moneys shall be expended only inaccordance with and for the purposes specified in federal or state law orthe state plan. Federal funds for food service programs shall be depositedin the state treasury. Payments under this act may be made in installmentsand in advance or by way of reimbursement, with necessary adjustments onaccount of overpayments or underpayments. The state board shall approvevouchers for disbursements from moneys in the state treasury for foodservice programs, and the director of accounts and reports shall drawwarrants thereon in accordance with law.
History: L. 1973, ch. 284, § 3; July 1.