72-5125. School breakfast programs.(a) As used in this section, the term "school breakfastprogram" means a food service program under which breakfasts are made availableby a board of education on a nonprofit basis to pupils in attendance at school,and for which such board receives assistance from funds appropriated by thecongress of the United States; and the term "food service program" has themeaning ascribed thereto in K.S.A. 72-5112, and amendments thereto.
(b) The board of education of each school district may enter into anagreement with the state board of education for the establishment andmaintenance of a school breakfast program under which breakfasts are madeavailable to pupils in attendance at school. Such breakfasts may be madeavailable in any one or more school buildings operated or used for pupilattendance purposes by the board of education. The provisions of thissubsection shall expire on June 30, 1993.
(c) On or before July 1, 1993, the board of education of each schooldistrict shall enter into an agreement with the state board of education forthe establishment and maintenance of a school breakfast program under whichbreakfasts are made available to pupils in attendance at school. Subject tothe provisions of subsection (d), such breakfasts shall be made available ineach school building operated or used for pupil attendance purposes by theboard of education.
(d) The state board of education may waive the requirement that breakfastsbe made available in each school building operated or used for pupil attendancepurposes, subject to the following:
(1) No waiver shall be granted which releases a board of education from therequirement that breakfasts be made available in a school building in which 35%or more of the pupils in attendance at school in such building during the monthof March ofthe preceding school year were pupils who were eligible for free or reducedprice meals under the national school lunch act.
(2) A waiver releasing a board of education from the requirement thatbreakfasts be made available in a school building, other than a school buildingdesignated in provision (1), may be granted by the state board of educationupon application for such waiver by the board. The application shall includethe reason or reasons for which the waiver is being requested. The state boardshall evaluate the application for waiver, determine the validity of the reasonor reasons for which the waiver is being requested, and grant or deny theapplication for waiver.The state board shall establish criteriafor determination of the validity of reasons for waiver of the requirement thatbreakfasts be made available in each school building operated or used for pupilattendance purposes.
(e) The provisions of subsections (c) and (d) shall expire upon failure ofthe congress of the United States to reauthorize funding for the schoolbreakfast program.
History: L. 1992, ch. 181, § 1; July 1.