72-5333c. Same; listing, assessing and taxing property.For the purpose of listing, assessing and valuing the franchisesand property of railroad companies and other corporations on theFort Leavenworth militaryreservation, and in order that taxes for school purposes may be levied thereonand collected therefrom, it is hereby made theduty of the state department of revenue or the county of Leavenworth,as the case may be,according to the class or character of the franchise or property to betaxed, to do and perform whatever acts orthings are or may be necessary to be done or performed, for allintentsand purposes the same as such department orcounty is or may be required to do or perform under the general laws applicabletoall other school districts of the state, andto the same extent as if such franchises and properties were not on the FortLeavenworth military reservation.Thefranchises and property of railroad companies and other corporations soassessed, valued and taxed shall notbe liable for schooltaxes in any other school district.
History: L. 1901, ch. 314, § 3; L. 1953, ch. 349, § 3;L. 1992, ch. 284, § 4; July 1.