72-5386. School records of pupils, withholdingprohibited; school district property, return or payment for,exception.(a) This section shall apply to all school districtsand to everypupil of anyschool district.As used in this section, the term "school records" means transcripts, gradecards, the results of tests, assessments or evaluations, and all otherpersonally identifiable records, files and data directly related to apupil.
(b) All school district property in the possession of anypupil shall be returnedto the proper school district authority or paid for bythe pupil upon transfer of the pupil from the school district.The school records of any such pupil shall not be withheld for anyreason.A school district authority, uponrequest, shall providea fully itemized list of the schooldistrict property in the possession of the pupil. Inthe event that suchschool district authorityreceives an affidavit stating that the pupil's parents are unable to return theschool district property which is lost or missing, suchschooldistrict authority shall note in theschool records of the pupil that the pupil has complied with theprovisions of thissection. In the event that a school district authorityreceives an affidavit from the board of education of another schooldistrict or from the governing authority of a nonpublic school stating thata pupil's records are being requested as proof of identity ofthe pupilpursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 72-53,106, andamendments thereto, such school district authorityshall forward a certified copy of that part of the pupil's records whichprovides information regarding the identity of the pupil.
(c) The school records of each pupil are the property of the pupil andshall not be withheld by any school district. Upon request of a pupil or theparent of a pupil, the school records of the pupil shall be given to such pupilor parent, or, upon transfer of the pupil to another school district or to anonpublic school, shall be forwarded to such school district or nonpublicschool. A pupil's records forwarded to another school district due to transferwill include original copies of all the students records, includingtranscripts, grade cards, results of tests, assessments or evaluations, and allother personally identifiable records, files and data directly related to thepupil.
History: L. 1963, ch. 378, § 1;L. 1986, ch. 268, § 2;L. 1991, ch. 220, § 3;L. 1999, ch. 116, § 49; July 1.