72-5511. Same; certificate of service record; failure to file annuityclaim.Subject to such rules and regulations as the board shall adopt, theboard shall issue to each school employee who shall perform school serviceafter September 1, 1940, a certificate of the employee's service record todate, showing length of service, salaries earned, and the date of birth,and such other information as may be pertinent. Such certificate shall befinal and conclusive for retirement purposes as to such data unlessmodified by the board upon application made by the school employee, or uponits own initiative within one year after the date of its issuance ormodification. If any school employee shall fail or refuse to file anyservice record required by the board within three months after beingnotified to do so, the board shall prepare the service record frominformation within its knowledge and issue the certificate to the employee.If any school employee shall delay filing claim for any annuity, no paymentshall be made for the period of the delay.
History: L. 1941, ch. 341, § 11; April 16.