72-5513. Disability annuity; medical examinations; return to service. Any participating member in the Kansas school retirement system who hasperformed school service in Kansas for a period of fifteen (15) years ormore, and who prior to age sixty (60) suffers such physical or mentaldisability as to be unable to perform school service, may be granted adisability annuity, the amount of which shall be a service annuitydetermined on the assumption that the member retired at age sixty (60) plusa savings annuity in the amount of the actuarial value of the savingsaccount at the attained age. This amendment shall apply from and after July1, 1967, to those persons who have been granted a disability annuity priorto that date and shall apply to those persons who shall be granted adisability annuity on or after July 1, 1967. In such cases the board isauthorized to provide for medical examinations and to secure other evidenceat the expense of the board. Such medical examinations shall be repeated atleast once in every five (5) years, and may be ordered at any time untilthe annuitant attains age sixty-five (65). In case any person receiving adisability annuity shall recover, or if he shall refuse to be examined,then the disability annuity shall cease. But employment outside of schoolservice at part-time work or at full-time work suited to a partly disabledperson shall not of itself be sufficient reason to cease paying suchdisability annuity. In case any person receives a disability annuity andlater recovers and returns to school service, the service record of thatperson shall include all school service, both before and after disability,but the retirement annuity finally paid shall be reduced by actuarialcomputation in proportion to the total amount of the disability annuitypaid.
History: L. 1941, ch. 341, § 13; L. 1967, ch. 383, § 2; July 1.