72-5521. Death of school employee; refunds.In case of the death of any school employee or annuitant before anyinstallment of any annuity has been paid, the amount credited to hissavings account shall be refunded to the estate of the deceased unlessbeneficiaries have been specifically designated by said school employeeor annuitant. In case of the death of a school employee or annuitantafter he has retired and selected the type of annuity as provided inK.S.A. 72-5512, the provisions of suchannuity shall govern any refunds to be made except that any unpaidservice annuity shall be paid to the estate of the deceased unlessbeneficiaries have been specifically designated by said annuitant.Except as provided in K.S.A. 72-5520 and in this section, there shall beno refunds or payments to the heirsof any school employee or annuitant.
History: L. 1941, ch. 341, § 21; L. 1951, ch. 408, § 3; April 2.