72-6012. Kansas members of the education commission of the states; terms;vacancies; meetings.(a) The members of the education commission of the states representing thestate of Kansas shall be the following: (1) The governor; (2) the chairperson of thesenate committee on education, or a member of such committee designated bysuch chairperson; (3) the chairperson of the committee on education of the house ofrepresentatives, or a member of such committee designated by such chairperson;(4) a member of the state board of education designated by it; (5) a member of thestate board of regents designated by it; and (6) two (2) members who shall beappointed to serve at the pleasure of the governor. Terms for (1), (2)and (3) shall expire concurrently with their terms as elective state officers. Terms for (4), (5) and (6) serving on such commission on the effective dateof this act shall expire on such date and thereafter such terms shall befor a period of two (2) years. All vacancies in the membership of the commissionshall be filled in the same manner as originally filled, except that vacanciescreated for reasons other than expiration of terms of office shall be filledfor the unexpired terms.
(b) Within thirty (30) days after the effective date of this act, themembers of the education commission of the states representing the stateof Kansas shall meet at Topeka upon the call of any one (1) of the membersof such commission for the purpose of organizing by selecting from its membershipa chairperson. Thereafter the members of such commission shall hold a meetingat least once in each year at which meeting a chairperson shall be selected. Special meetings may be called and held at the discretion of the chairperson,and shall be called by the chairperson upon request of a majority of the membersof such commission. The director of legislative administrative servicesshall assist the commission in accordance with its requests.
History: L. 1972, ch. 284, § 2; L. 1976, ch. 316, § 1; May 8.