72-60b02. Kansas members of the midwestern highereducationcommission; terms; vacancies.The members of the midwestern higher education commissionrepresenting the state of Kansas shall be the following: (a) The governoror a designee of the governor; (b) two members of the legislature appointedby the legislative coordinating council so that one is a member of thesenate and one is a member of the house of representatives and such membersare not members of the same political party; and (c)twomembers of the stateboard of regents selected by the state board or, at thediscretion of the state board, designees thereof. One such membershall berepresentative of the four-year institutions of higher education and one suchmember shall be representative of the two-year institutions of highereducation. The term of the member serving under subpart (a) shall expireconcurrently with the term of the governor. The terms of members serving undersubpart (b) shall expire concurrently with their terms as state officers or twoyears after the date of their appointment to membership on the commission,whichever occurs sooner, except that legislative members serving on thecommission's executive committee may serve up to one additional two-year termwhile serving on such executive committee. The term of each member servingunder subpart (c), if such member is a state officer, shall expire concurrentlywith such member's term as a state officer or four years after the date ofappointment to membership on the commission, whichever occurs sooner. If suchmember is not a state officer, the term of such member shall expire four yearsafter the date of appointment to membership on the commission. All vacancies inthe membership of the commission shall be filled in the same manner asoriginally filled, except that vacancies created for reasons other thanexpiration of terms of office shall be filled for the unexpired terms.
History: L. 1990, ch. 332, § 2;L. 2000, ch. 86, § 6;L. 2006, ch. 168, § 9; July 1.