72-6414. At-risk pupil weighting; use of moneysderived from weighting; required expenditures for mastery of basic readingskills, exemption.(a) The at-risk pupil weighting of each district shall be determined by thestate board by multiplying the number of at-risk pupils included in enrollmentof the district by .278 for school year 2006-2007, by .378 for school year2007-2008 and by .456 for school year 2008-2009 and each school yearthereafter. The product is the at-risk pupil weighting of the district.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (d), of the amount a district receivesfrom the at-risk pupil weighting, an amount produced by a pupil weighting of.01 shall be used by the district for achieving mastery of basic reading skillsby completion of the third grade in accordance with standards and outcomes ofmastery identified by the state board under K.S.A. 72-7534, and amendmentsthereto.
(c) A district shall include such information in its at-risk pupil assistanceplan as the state board may require regarding the district's remediationstrategies and the results thereof in achieving the third grade readingstandards and outcomes of mastery identified by the state board. The reportingrequirements shall include information documenting remediation strategies andimprovement made by pupils who performed below the expected standard on thesecond grade diagnostic reading test prescribed by the state board.
(d) A district whose pupils substantially achieve the state board standardsand outcomes of mastery of reading skills upon completion of third grade may bereleased, upon request, by the state board from the requirements of subsection(b).
(e) (1) A district may expend amounts received from the at-risk pupilweighting to pay for the cost of providing full-day kindergarten to any pupilenrolled in the district and attending full-day kindergarten whether or notsuch pupil is an at-risk pupil.
(2) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed as requiring schooldistricts to provide full-day kindergarten nor as requiring any pupil to attendfull-day kindergarten.
(3) As used in this subsection (e):
(A) "District" means any school district which offers both full-day andhalf-day kindergarten.
(B) "Cost" means that portion of the cost of providing full-day kindergartenwhich is not paid by the state.
(f) A school district may expend amounts received from the at-risk weightingto pay the cost of providing preschool-aged at-risk, bilingual and vocationaleducation programs and services.
History: L. 1992, ch. 280, § 10;L. 1997, ch. 41, § 4;L. 1998, ch. 118, § 4;L. 1999, ch. 165, § 4;L. 2001, ch. 215, § 6;L. 2005, ch. 152, § 17;L. 2005, ch. 2, § 20 (Special Session);L. 2006, ch. 197, § 14; July 1.