72-6421. Vocational education fund.(a) There is hereby established in every district a fundwhichshall be called the vocational education fund. All moneys received by adistrict for any course or program authorized and approved under the provisionsof article 44of chapter 72 of Kansas Statutes Annotated, except for courses and programsconducted in an area vocational school, shall be creditedto the vocational education fund.All moneys received by the district from tuition, fees or chargesor from any other source for vocational education courses or programs, exceptfor courses and programs conducted in an area vocational school,shall be credited to the vocational education fund. The expenses of adistrict directly attributable to vocational education shall be paidfrom the vocational education fund.
(b) Obligations of a district pursuant to lawful agreements made underK.S.A. 72-4421, and amendments thereto, shall be paid from the vocationaleducation fund established bythis section. If any such agreement expresses an obligation of adistrict in terms of a mill levy, such obligation shall be construed tomean an amount equal to that which would be produced by the levy.
(c) Any balance remaining in the vocational education fund at the end ofthe budgetyearshall be carriedforward into the vocational education fund for succeeding budget years. Suchfund shall notbe subject to theprovisions of K.S.A. 79-2925 through 79-2937, and amendments thereto. Inpreparing the budgetof such school district, the amounts credited to and the amount on hand in thevocational education fund, andthe amount expended therefrom shall be included in the annual budget for theinformation of theresidents of the school district. Interest earned on the investment of moneysin any such fundshall be credited to that fund.
History: L. 1992, ch. 280, § 17;L. 2005, ch. 152, § 21; July 1.