72-6427. Miscellaneous revenues; disposition.(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, any revenuesof a district, not required by law to be deposited in orcredited to a specific fund, shall be deposited in or credited to anyprogram weighted fund or anycategorical fund of the district or to the capital outlay fund of thedistrict.
(b) At the discretion of the board of any district, revenues earned from theinvestment of an activity fund of the district in accordance with theprovisions of K.S.A. 12-1675, and amendments thereto, may be deposited in orcreditedto such activity fund.
(c) (1) At the discretion of the board of any district and subject toprovision (2), any revenues specified in subsections (a) and (b) may bedeposited in or credited to the general fund of the district in any schoolyear for which the allotment system authorized under K.S.A. 75-3722, andamendments thereto, has been inaugurated and applied to appropriations madefor general state aid or in any school year for which anyportion of the appropriations made for general state aidarelapsed by act of the legislature.
(2) In no event may the amount of revenues deposited in or credited tothe general fund of the district under authority of provision (1) exceed anamount equal to the amount of the reduction in general stateaid entitlement of the district determined by the state board to be theresult of application of the allotment system to the appropriations madefor general state aid or of the lapseof any portion thereof by act of the legislature.
(d) At the discretion of the board of any district, revenues receivedby the district from the federal government as the district's share of theproceeds derived from sale by the federal government of its rights to oil,gas and other minerals located beneath the surface of lands within thedistrict's boundaries may be deposited in the bond and interest fund of thedistrict and used for the purposes of such fund. If at any time allindebtedness and obligations of such fund have been fully paid andcanceled, the revenues authorized by this subsection to be deposited insuch fund shall be disposed of as provided in subsection (a).
(e) To the extent that K.S.A.72-1623, 72-8804 and 79-2958, and amendments to such sections, conflictwith this section,this section shallcontrol.
(f) The provisions of this section shall take effect and be in force fromand after July 1, 1992.
History: L. 1992, ch. 280, § 23; May 28.