72-6525. Mission and goal statement, review; coreindicators of quality performance, identification and approval; complianceeffectiveness.(a) The state board shall: (1) Review the university'smission and goals statement, strategies for achieving mission focus andattaining identified goals, academic and administrative program review process,and established priorities for enhancement of academic disciplines; and (2)identify and approve core indicators of quality performance for the university.The core indicators of quality performance identified and approved for theuniversity shall be consonant withthe core indicators of quality performance identified and approved for the state educational institutions.
(b) From reports, documents, data and such other information as theuniversity may provide in each fiscal year, the state board shall determine theeffectiveness of the university in complying with its mission and goalsstatement and in meeting the coreindicators of quality performance.
History: L. 1999, ch. 147, § 59; May 20.