72-6624. Racetrack gaming facilities or lotterygaming facilities in Cherokee county.(a) As used in this section:
(1) "School district" means unified school district No. 404, unified schooldistrict No. 493, unified school district No. 499 and unified school districtNo. 508.
(2) "Property" means any property, and improvements thereon, comprising aracetrack gaming facility or lottery gaming facility under the Kansas expandedlottery act located in Cherokee county.
(3) "State aid" means general state aid, supplemental general state aid,capital improvements state aid, capital outlay state aid and any other stateaid paid, distributed or allocated to school districts under the schooldistrict finance and quality performance act or other law, and any other stateaid paid, distributed or allocated to school districts on the basis of theassessed valuation of school districts.
(b) For the purposes of computing the assessed valuation of school districtsfor the payment, distribution or allocation of state aid and the levying ofschool taxes, 1/4 of the assessed valuation of such property shall be assignedto each of the school districts.
(c) The provisions of this section shall not apply if the property is not orceases to be used as a racetrack gaming facility or lottery gaming facilityunder the Kansas expanded lottery act.
History: L. 2006, ch. 165, § 8; July 1.