72-7513. General powers of state board.In general, but not by way of limitation, consonant with otherapplicable statutory provisions, the state board of education shall:
(a) Adopt and maintain standards, criteria, guidelines or rules andregulations for the following:
(1) School libraries and other educational materials with the exceptionof textbooks;
(2) courses of study and curriculum;
(3) accreditation of schools includingelementary and secondary, public and nonpublic;
(4) certification of administrators, teachers, counselors, school nursesand supervisors of school districts and of the state department ofeducation and of teachers and administrators of nonpublic schools;and
(b) administer the laws of this state concerning the matters named inthis section and all other matters relating to general supervisionofthe public schools and institutions under supervision of the state board ofeducation.
History: L. 1968, ch. 327, § 1; L. 1974, ch.315, § 1; L. 1975, ch. 380, § 3;L. 2001, ch. 65, § 1; July 1.