72-7519. Hearing officers for state board; appointment; purpose; limitations.(a) For the purpose of hearing any appeal, case or other matter of any kindwhatsoever required by law to be determined or heard and determined by the stateboard of education, the state board ofeducation may appoint one or more hearing officers. Any such hearingofficer shall be an officer or employee of the state department ofeducation. Any such appointment shall apply to a particular hearing or to aset or class of hearings as specified by the state board of education inmaking such appointment.
(b) To the extent that the provisions of this section conflict withthe provisions of any other law, the provisions of such other law shall control.
(c) The provisions of this section shall not operate or be construedin any manner so as to authorize the substitution of hearing by a hearingofficer in lieu of hearing by the professional practices commissionprovided for by K.S.A. 72-8506, and amendments thereto.
History: L. 1971, ch. 231, § 1;L. 1987, ch. 276, § 2; July 1.