72-7523. Conveyance of certain real estate situated in Ottawa countyto U. S. department of health, education and welfare authorized.The state board of education is hereby authorized to release, remit andremise by quit claim deed to the department of health, education andwelfare of the United States of America, real estate situated in the countyof Ottawa, state of Kansas, described as follows:
Tract No. S-1-100:
The West 800 feet of the East 1,707 feet of the South 1000 feet of theNorth 1940 feet of the Northeast quarter of section 16, township 11, South,range 2, west of the sixth principal meridian, Ottawa county, Kansas,containing 18.37 acres, more or less.
Tract No. S-1-100E:
Permanent access road easement. The West 100 feet of the East 1,526 feetof the North 940 feet of the Northeast quarter of section 16, township 11,South, range 2, west of the sixth principal meridian, Ottawa county,Kansas, containing 2.16 acres, more or less; together with the improvementsthereon.
All of the above real estate and property approximating 20.53 acres ofland is identified as Atlas "F" missile site No. 1 located near Bennington,Kansas.
History: L. 1974, ch. 288, § 1; July 1.