72-7525. Conveyance of certain real estate situated in Salinecounty to U.S. department of health, education and welfare authorized.The state board of education is hereby authorized to release, remit andremise by quit claim deed to the department of health, education andwelfare of the United States of America, real estate situated in thecounty of Saline, state of Kansas, described as follows:
A tract of land identified as part 5B of block 5 lying in the NE/4 ofS3, T15S, R3W of the 6th principal meridian in the Schilling subdivisionof Saline county, Kansas; more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the northwest corner of the NE/4 of S3, T15S, R3W;thence S 89°53'24" E a distance of 1349.16 feet; thence S00°06'24" E a distance of 55.38 feet; thence S89°53'36" W a distance of 40.00 feet to the true point ofbeginning, said point of beginning being the northeast corner of block 5B;thence S 00°06'24" E a distance of 647.00 feet to the southeastcorner of block 5B; thence S 89°53'36" W a distance of 650.00feet to the southwest corner of block 5B; thence N 00°06'24"W a distance of 647.00 feet to the northwest corner of block 5B; thence N89°53'36" E a distance of 650.00 feet to the true point ofbeginning.
A tract of land, identified as block 11, lying in SE/4 of S34, T14S,R3W of the 6th principal meridian in the Schilling subdivision of Salinecounty, Kansas; more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the northwest corner of the SE/4 of S34, T14S, R3W;thence S 89°50'10" E a distance of 1338.65 feet; thence S00°06'24" E a distance of 426.08 feet; thence S89°53'36" W a distance of 40.00 feet to the true point ofbeginning, said point of beginning being the northeast corner of block 11;thence S 00°06'24" E a distance of 681.00 feet to the southeastcorner of block 11; thence S 89°53'36" W a distance of 1040.00feet to the southwest corner of block 11; thence N 00°06'24" Wa distance of 278.00 feet; thence N 89°53'36" E a distance of460.00 feet; thence N 00°06'24" W a distance of 403.00 feet;thence N 89°53'36" E a distance of 580.00 feet to the truepoint of beginning.
A tract of land identified as block 12 lying in the SE/4 of S34,T14S, R3W of the 6th principal meridian in the Schilling subdivision ofSaline county, Kansas; more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the northwest corner of the SE/4 of S 34, T14S, R3W;thence S 89°50'10" E a distance of 1338.65 feet; thence S00°06'24" E a distance of 426.08 feet; thence N89°53'36" E a distance of 40.00 feet to the true point ofbeginning, said point of beginning being the northwest corner of block 12;thence N 89°53'36" E a distance of 751.00 feet to the northeastcorner of block 12; thence S 00°06'24" E a distance of 681.00feet to the southeast corner of block 12; thence S 89°53'36" Wa distance of 751.00 feet to the southwest corner of block 12; thence N00°06'24" W a distance of 681.00 feet to the true point ofbeginning.
Together with improvements on all of the above described real estate.
History: L. 1974, ch. 297, § 1; July 1.