72-7533. School district organization; comprehensivestudy and plan; report to education committees of legislature.(a) The state board ofeducation shall undertake a comprehensive study ofthe organization of school districts in this state to determine if the publicschool system could be more efficiently and effectively operated under adifferent configuration.In making the study of schooldistrictorganization, the state board of education shall: (1) Review grade level andschool district enrollment and projected enrollment, pupil transportationrequirementsincluding the distances pupils must travel to attend the schools of a districtand the proximity of schools in adjoining districts with respect to pupilshaving lengthy bus commutes, the capacity and condition of existing schoolfacilities in each district, communities of interest in matters such ascommerce and tradition, property tax bases of districts, and other mattersdeemed appropriate to the study; (2) determine and document the existence ofproblems withrespect to matters reviewed and provide suggestions for solution or alleviationof such problems; (3) envision a configuration of school districts that wouldserve the needs of Kansas children, Kansas taxpayers, and Kansas society in themost efficient and effective manner attainable and design a comprehensive planforattainment of such optimal configuration; (4) formulate recommendations foractualization of the comprehensive plan for attainment of the optimal schooldistrictconfiguration and for legislation deemed necessary for actualization of theplan; and (5) present findings of the study, the comprehensive plan forattainmentof the optimal school district configuration, andrecommendations with respect to actualization of the plan to thecommittee on education of the house of representatives andthe committee on education of the senate on or beforeJanuary 15, 2001.
(b) The state board of educationmay establish advisory committees and secure consultant services forassistance in performing the duties imposed in the foregoingsubsection.
History: L. 1999, ch. 165, § 10; May 20.