72-7534. Basic reading skills; mastery program;report to legislature.(a) The state board of education shall prepare a strategyforidentifying, developing, and implementing a mastery of basic reading skillsprogram inkindergarten and each of grades one through three of school districtsbased upon the goal of mastery of basic reading skills by pupils uponcompletion of the thirdgrade. In carrying out this directive, the state board shall:
(1) Identify state standards and outcomes of mastery of basic reading skillsinkindergarten and each of gradesone through three;
(2) prepare a plan for monitoring the progress of pupils in kindergarten andat each applicable grade levelin achieving mastery of basic reading skills; and
(3) specify the means to be used for determining mastery of basic readingskillsby each pupil upon completion of grade three.
(b) The state board's strategy shall include a component for requiring schooldistricts to provide interventions for pupils who are not making satisfactoryprogress toward mastering basic reading skills such as, but not limited to, arestructured school day, additional school days, summer school, orindividualized instruction.
(c) The state board of education shall report to the 2001 legislature astrategy and proposed plan for implementing the mastery of basic reading skillsprogramwith development of standards during the 2001-02 school year and commencementof theplan in the 2002-03 school year. The state board report to the 2001 legislatureshall include estimates of the cost to the state of implementing theprogram.
History: L. 2000, ch. 138, § 9; July 1.