72-7538. Disability history and awareness;objectives, guidelines and goals.(a) The state board of education shall designate aperiod of time each school year as atime for disability history and awareness.
(b) The state board of education shall develop objectives and guidelines for disability history andawareness, for all grade levels, within the existing curriculum for history,social studies or otherappropriate subject-matter curriculum. The components of disability historyand awareness mayinclude, but not be limited to, the events and time lines relating to thedevelopment and evolutionof services provided to individuals with disabilities and information relatingto the contributions ofspecific individuals with disabilities, including the contributions ofacknowledged national leaders.
(c) The goals of disability history and awareness instruction include:
(1) Encouraging the better treatment of individuals with disabilities,especially for school-age children.
(2) Increasing attention to the prevention of bullying or harassment ofstudents with disabilities.
(3) Encouraging the development of self-esteem in individuals withdisabilities.
(4) Encouraging individuals with disabilities to obtain a postsecondaryeducation which willempower such individuals to enter the workforce and contribute to theircommunities.
(5) Reaffirming the local, state and federal commitment to providing an equalopportunity for, andthe full inclusion in society of, all individuals with disabilities.
(d) Each school district shall include disability history and awarenesswithin the district's curriculumas deemed appropriate by the district.
History: L. 2009, ch. 130, § 3; July 1.