72-853. Program for education of deaf-blind or otherwise severelyhandicapped children by state department; expenditures; definitions.The state department of public instruction is hereby authorized toexpend available funds for the purpose of sending children who aredeaf-blind, or otherwise severely handicapped to any facility, school, orinstitution, within or without the state of Kansas, providing aqualified program of education for such children. Such funds may bespent for evaluation and diagnosis, room, board, tuition,transportation, and other items which are necessarily relevant to theeducation of such children. In interpreting and carrying out theprovisions of this act, the words "deaf-blind children" whenever used,will be construed to include any child of educable mind whosecombination of handicaps of deafness and blindness prevents him fromprofiting satisfactorily from educational programs provided for theblind child or the deaf child; and the words "otherwise severelyhandicapped children," wherever used, will be construed to include anychild of educable mind whose handicap or combination of handicapsprevents him from profiting satisfactorily from educational programsprovided through a sponsoring public school district in this state.
History: L. 1959, ch. 311, § 1; June 30.