72-8201. Unified school districts; style,designation and powers; delegation of contractual power to superintendent,limitation.Each unified schooldistrict shallbe designated by the name and style of "unified school district No. ______(the number designated by the state board ofeducation), ____________ county(naming the home county of the unified school district), state ofKansas," and bysuch name may sue and be sued, execute contracts and hold such real andpersonal property as it may acquire. Every unifiedschool district shallpossess the usual powers of a corporation for public purposes.The board of education of every unified school district may delegate to thesuperintendent of schools the power to execute contracts on behalf of thedistrict for the purchase of goods and services if the value of such goods orservices is $20,000 or less.
History: L. 1963, ch. 393, § 15;L. 1965, ch. 420, § 12;L. 2001, ch. 158, § 3;L. 2006, ch. 129, § 1; Apr. 27.