72-8201a. Contracts; indemnification or holdharmless provisions, void.(a) It is the public policy of the state of Kansas thatallcontracts enteredinto by theboard of education of a school district, or any officers or employees thereofacting on behalf ofthe board, provide that the school district and board of education shall beresponsible solely forthe district's or board's actions or failure to act under a contract.
(b) The board of education of a school district or any officers or employeesthereofacting on behalf of the board shall not have the authority to enter into acontractunder which theschool district or board agrees to, or is required to, indemnify or holdharmless against damages,injury or death resulting from the actions or failure to act on the part of anyparty to a contractother than the board or district.
(c) The provisions of any contract entered into in violation of this sectionshall becontrary to the public policy of the state of Kansas and shall be void andunenforceable.
History: L. 2005, ch. 158, § 1; July 1.