72-8204b. Transfer of funds when school district in more than onecounty.Whenever any school district in this state lies partly within two ormore counties, it shall be the duty of the treasurer of the county, orcounties, which are not the home county of the school district, todistribute to the school district all moneys in such treasurer's possessionbelonging to such schooldistrict in the manner provided for the distribution of taxes pursuant toK.S.A. 12-1678a and amendments thereto.The treasurer of theschool district upon receiving such money shall issue a receipt to eachof the following: Thecounty treasurer and the county clerk of the countysending such money and the county treasurer and the county clerk of thehome county of theschool district. The county clerk of the county sending such money, uponreceiving such a receipt, shall notify the board of county commissionersof such county, and it shall give the county treasurer propercredit therefor.
History: L. 1969, ch. 334, § 1; L. 1982, ch. 73, § 2; April 8.