72-8204d. Profile of school district; contents;notice of availability.(a) From and after July 1, 2004, each yearthe board of education of a schooldistrict shall prepare a profile of the school district. The profileshall includeany information specified by the state department of education to be includedinsuch profile, including but not limited to, information relating to thegoverning body of the school district, an overview of the budget of the schooldistrict adopted by the board pursuant to K.S.A. 79-2925 through 79-2935, andamendments thereto, and the budgetary process.
(b) The profile of the school district shall be on file at the administrativeoffices of theschool district. Copies of the profile of the school district shall beavailable upon request.
(c) The notice required to be published by K.S.A. 79-2929, and amendmentsthereto, shall include a statement thata profile of the school district will be onfile at theadministrative offices of the districtafter the board adopts the budget forthe ensuing budget yearand that copies of the profile will be available uponrequest.
History: L. 2003, ch. 116, § 22; July 1.