72-8210. Legal successor of rights and powers; bequests and donations. The unified district shall be legal successor to all of the rights,powers and authorities vested in boards of disorganized districts of theunified district except as is otherwise provided in any of the schoolunification acts. This provision shall be construed, but not by way oflimitation, as being particularly applicable to powers and authorities withrespect to bequests, legacies, trusts, and property or interest in propertyof any kind whatsoever. Any bequest, legacy, trust or donation may beplaced in a separate fund of the district and if placed in such fund thesame shall be exempt from budget law requirements and shall be used incompliance with the wishes of the donor as nearly as may be.
History: L. 1965, ch. 410, § 32; L. 1966, ch. 8, § 1 (Special Session); March11.