72-8211. Teacherages.The board of education of any unified school district may acquire,purchase, construct, rent, operate and maintain suitable quarters for theuse of its teachers. Such quarters may consist of real or personal propertyor both, and may be referred to as "teacherages." The acquisitions of suchproperty for teacherages shall be by resolution of the board of education,which shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation withinthe county or counties where such school district is located. If, withinthirty (30) days after publication of such resolution, there is filed apetition signed by qualified electors equal in number to not less than tenpercent (10%) of the electors who voted at the last general schoolelection, demanding that such resolution be submitted to a vote of theelectors in such school district, such resolution shall not take effectuntil submitted to a referendum and approved by a majority of the qualifiedelectors voting thereon. Such referendum may be held at a special electioncalled for such purpose or at the general school election. Any schooldistrict may dispose of any teacherage or any interest therein or partthereof as provided by law for other school property.
History: L. 1968, ch. 131, § 1; July 1.