72-8213b. School buildings, closing;procedure.(a) As used in this section, "school building"means any building orstructure operated ormaintained by the board ofeducation of a unified school district.
(b) The board of education of any unified school district, by adoption of aresolution, may close anyschool building at any time the boarddetermines that the building should be closed to improve the school system ofthe unified school district.The board of education may close more than one school buildingin one resolution.A resolution adoptedpursuant to this section shall require a majority vote ofthe members of the board ofeducationand shall require no other approval.
(c) Prior to adopting a resolution closing any school building, the board ofeducation shall call and hold a hearing on the proposal.The notice of such hearing shall include the reasons forthe proposed closing, the name of any affected buildingand the name of any school building to which the involved pupils shall bereassigned. Such notice also shall include thetime, date and place of the public hearing to be held on the proposal. Suchnotice shall be published at least once each week for twoconsecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the school district.The last publication shall be at least 10 but not more than 20 daysprior to the date of the public hearing.
At such hearing, the board shall hear testimony as to the advisability of theproposed closing, and a representative of the board shallpresent the board's proposal for such closing. Following the public hearing, orany continuation of such hearing, and after considering all of the testimonyandevidence presented or submitted at the public hearing, the boardshall determine whether the school building should be closed to improve theschool system of the unified school district.
History: L. 2002, ch. 167, § 6; July 1.