72-8226. Budget and certification of tax levies to pay certainbond issues; option of boards of education.Notwithstanding any of the provisions of K.S.A. 72-67,106,the board of education of any unified school district may elect tobudget and certify tax levies for the retirement of bonded indebtednessof any disorganized school district if the building or facility forwhich such bonded indebtedness was created is located within suchunified school district. Any such board of education so electing shallnotify the county clerk of any county in which any of the formerterritory of such disorganized school district is located on or beforeAugust 25 of the year preceding the year in which the next installmentof such bonds and the interest thereon shall become due and payable. Taxlevies under this section shall be made on the territory of thedisorganized school district unless otherwise provided by special act ofthe legislature. Funds collected from such levies by any countytreasurer shall be distributed to the school district in the same manneras other school funds are distributed, and the school district shallforward such bond and interest installments to the state treasurer inthe manner prescribed by law. No bonded indebtedness levy shall be madeby any county clerk pursuant to K.S.A. 72-67,106 after suchclerk has received notice from a unified school district of its intentto make levies as herein provided.
History: L. 1970, ch. 295, § 1; July 1.