72-8235. Certificated personnel; interdistrict agreements for sharedservices authorized.(a) The boards of education of two or more unified schooldistricts may make and enter into agreements providing for the sharing ofservices of certificated personnel.
(b) Prior to entering into any agreement under authority of thissection, a board of education shall adopt a resolution declaring that ithas made a determination that such an agreement should be made and that themaking and entering into of such an agreement would be in the bestinterests of the educational system of the school district. Any suchagreement is subject to the following conditions:
(1) The agreement may be for any term not exceeding a term of five years.
(2) The agreement shall be subject to change or termination by the legislature.
(3) Within the limitations provided by law, the agreement may be changedor terminated by mutual agreement of the participating boards of education.
(c) Any agreement entered into under authority of this section shall specify:
(1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (b)(1), the duration of the agreement;
(2) the manner and method of performance of the responsibilities, dutiesand functions required of boards of education under the provisions ofK.S.A. 72-8202b, and amendments thereto, and under the provisions ofarticle 54 of chapter 72 of Kansas Statutes Annotated.
(d) The provisions of law relating to certificated personnel of aunified school district shall apply to certificated personnel employedjointly by two or more unified school districts in accordance with anagreement entered into under authority of this section.
History: L. 1990, ch. 254, § 1; July 1.