72-8238. Extraordinary school programs; authority to establish, operateand maintain; fees, collection, limitations, disposition; fund.(a) The board of education of any school district may: (1)Establish, operate and maintain an extraordinary school program for pupilswho meet the district's criteria for attendance of such programs; (2) enterinto cooperative or interlocal agreements with one or more other boards ofeducation for the establishment, operation and maintenance of an extraordinaryschool program for pupils; and (3) prescribe and collect fees for providing anextraordinary school program for pupils or provide such program without charge.
(b) Fees for providing an extraordinary school program for pupils shall beprescribed and collected only to recover the cost incurred as a result of anddirectly attributable to the establishment, operation and maintenance of theprogram.
(c) No school district may collect fees for providing an extraordinaryschool program for pupils who are required to attend such a program inaccordance withthe provisions of law, rules and regulations of the state board of education,policy of the board of education, or an individualized education plan developedfor an exceptional child or who areeligible for free or reduced price meals under the national school lunch act.
(d) There is hereby established in every district which establishes,operates and maintains an extraordinary school program a fund which shall becalled the extraordinary school program fund, which fund shall consist of allmoneysdeposited therein or transferred thereto according to law. All moneys receivedby a district from fees collected under this section or from any other sourcefor extraordinary school programs shall be credited to the extraordinary schoolprogram fund. The expenses of a district directly attributable toextraordinary school programs shall be paid from the extraordinary schoolprogram fund.
(e) As used in this section, the term "extraordinary school program" means aprogram which is established by the board of education of a school district,operated before or after regular school hours during the regular school term, and maintained for any or all of the following purposes:(1) Providing pupils with additional time to achieve learner exit orimprovement plan outcomes; (2) giving pupils remedial instruction orindependent study assistance; (3) affording pupils an opportunity to strengthenor attain mastery of basic or higher order thinking skills; and (4) conductingspecial projects and activities designed to enrich and enhance the educationalexperience of pupils.
History: L. 1994, ch. 310, § 1; July 1.