72-8239. School attendance review board; members, meetings; rules andregulations.(a) The board of education of each school district in thisstate may establish a school attendance review board or may enter into acooperative or interlocalcooperation agreement with one ormore other boards of education for the joint establishment of a schoolattendance review board. Each school attendance review board shallinclude, but need not be limited to, one or more persons representing eachof the following: (1) Parents of pupils of the district or districts; (2) thedepartment ofsocial and rehabilitationservices; (3) the superintendent of schools of each participating schooldistrict; (4)teachers of the school district or districts; (5) schoolguidance personnel; (6) law enforcement agencies having jurisdiction in thedistrict or districts; and (7) community-based agencies providing services toyouth.
(b) The superintendent of schools of the school district that hasestablished a school attendance review board as provided in subsection (a), atthe beginning of each school year, shall convene a meeting of the schoolattendance review board for the purpose of adopting plans to promoteinteragency and community cooperation and to reduce the duplication of servicesprovided to youth who have serious school attendance problems. If more than oneboard of education is participating in a school attendance review board, thesuperintendent of schools of the school district having the most pupils shallconvene the meeting provided for by this subsection.
(c) The school attendance review boardmay elect from among its members a chairperson havingresponsibility for coordinating the services of theboard and may elect such other officers as determined by the board.
(d) The school attendance review board may adopt rules and regulations asnecessary to govern its procedure and to enable the board to carry out theprovisions of this act.
History: L. 1996, ch. 229, § 151; July 1.