72-8243. Referral of students; notice; resolving the problem.(a) If a pupil is required by law to attend school and isirregular inattendance at school, the pupil may be referred to the school attendance reviewboard. Each board of education shall designate one ormore employees to make such referrals. Upon making a referral, the employeeshallnotify the pupil and the pupil's parents or guardians, in writing, of the nameand address of the school attendance review board and of thereason for the referral. The notice shall indicate that the pupil and parentsor guardians of the pupil will be required, along with the referring person, tomeet with the school attendance review board to consider a proper dispositionof the referral.
(b) If the school attendance review board determines that availablecommunity services can resolve the problem of the referred pupil, theboard shall direct the pupil or the pupil's parents or guardians, or both, tomake use of those community services. The school attendance review board mayrequire, at such time as it determines proper, the pupil or parents orguardians of the pupil, or both, to furnish satisfactory evidence ofparticipation in the available community services.
(c) If the school attendance review board determines that availablecommunity services cannot resolve the problem of the referred pupil or ifthe pupil or the pupil's parents or guardians, or both, have failed torespond to directives of the school attendance review board or to servicesprovided, the school attendance review board may notify the secretary of socialand rehabilitation services or the appropriate county or districtattorney.If the case is referred to the district court,the school attendance review board shall submit to the district courtdocumentation of efforts to secure attendance as well as the board'srecommendations onwhat action the district court shall take in order to bring about properdisposition of the case.
History: L. 1996, ch. 229, § 155; July 1.