72-8244. Credit cards, policies on acquisition anduse; public record; cash basis and budget laws not applicable.(a) The board of education of any school district,pursuantto a policy developed and adopted by the board, may provide for the acquisitionof creditcards in the name of the school district for use by designated officers andemployees of the school district. The policy shall prescribe limitations andrestrictions on the use of such credit cards and on the amounts andcategories of expenses which may be paid through use of such creditcards.The policy shall provide for maintenance of a public record of allexpenditures for payment of charges incurred by the school district through useof credit cards.
(b) The provisions and restrictions of the cash basis and budget laws of thisstate shall not apply to the provisions of this section in any manner so as toprevent the intention of this section from being made effective.
History: L. 2001, ch. 158, § 1; May 17.