72-8245. Tuition, fees, charges; policy providingfor payment by credit or debit cards; internet usage authorized.The board of education of any school district, pursuant to apolicy developed and adopted by the board, may provide for the acceptance ofpayment in the form of a credit or debit card of fees, tuition or other chargesimposed by the school district. The policy may provide for imposition of anadditional fee to recover the actual amount of any costs incurred by the schooldistrict by reason of the method of payment used. The policy also may providefor establishment by the school district of secure internet sockets that willallow payment by a credit or debit card via the internet. Any transactionsinvolving payment by credit card pursuant to this section shall not be subjectto the provisions of K.S.A. 16a-2-403, and amendments thereto.
History: L. 2001, ch. 158, § 2; May 17.