72-8248. Special liability expense fund; uses ofmoney.(a) There is hereby established in every school districtaspecial liability expense fund. Moneys in such fund shall be used to:
(1) Pay the cost of providing for its defense andthe defense of employees pursuant to the Kansas tort claims act and for thepayment of claims and other direct and indirect costs resulting from theimplementation of such act; and
(2) pay judgments rendered against the district.
(b) The district shall credit to the special liability expense fundany moneys received by the district from any sourcewhich may be lawfully utilized for the purposes specified by this sectionincluding the proceeds of tax levies hereinafter authorized and provided.Any balance remaining in the special liability expense fund at the end of thebudget year shall be carried forward into that fund for succeeding budgetyears.Suchfund shall not be subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 79-2925 through 79-2937,and amendments thereto. In making the budget of the district, the amountscredited to and the amount on hand in such special fund, and the amountexpended therefrom, shall be included in the annual budget for the informationof the residents of the district. Interest earned on the investment ofmoneys in any such fund shall be credited to that fund.
(c) Whenever the governing body of any school district determines that moneysfrom other sources will be insufficient to pay such costs, the governing bodyis hereby authorized to levy an annual tax upon all taxable tangible propertywithin the district in an amount determined by the governing body to benecessary for such purpose and to pay a portion of the principal and interestonbonds issued by cities under the authority of K.S.A. 12-1774, and amendmentsthereto, for the financing of redevelopment projects upon property located insuch school district.
History: L. 2003, ch. 116, § 1; July 1.