72-8306. Transportation of nonpublic school pupils.(a) Whenever any school district shall provide or furnish transportationunder authority of this act for pupils attending the public schools,pupils residing in such school district attending private or parochialschools of elementary or high school grades which are accredited by thestate board of education, who shall reside on or along the highway orstreet constituting the regular route of a school bus, or who shallgather at some place on the regular route nearest or most easilyaccessible to their homes or such schools, where such transportation isprovided for pupils attending the public schools, shall be entitled tothe privilege of such school bus transportation upon such regular routeas arranged for the benefit of pupils attending public schools. For thepurposes of this section, regular route shall not include any routearranged by the school district for the transportation of exceptionalchildren to special education services.
(b) Whenever any school district shall provide or furnishtransportation under authority of article 83 of chapter 72 of the KansasStatutes Annotated for pupils attending the public schools, it mayprovide or furnish transportation for pupils residing in the districtand attending private or parochial schools of elementary or high schoolgrades which are accredited by the state board of education to suchextent and upon such conditions as the school district shall deemappropriate. The authorization contained in this subsection (b) shallbe in addition to the requirement provided in subsection (a) of thissection.
(c) Whenever any school district shall provide or furnishtransportation under authority of this section for pupils attendingprivate or parochial schools, such transportation shall be provided orfurnished to such pupils under the same terms and conditions as areimposed upon pupils attending the public schools.
History: L. 1968, ch. 401, § 6; L. 1978, ch. 304, § 1; July 1.