72-8317. School bus transportation for adultstudents; policy forprovision authorized.(a) The board of education of any school district, pursuant to a policydeveloped and adopted by the board, may provide that whenever the schooldistrict furnishes school bus transportation for pupils of the school districtto or from attendance at class in an area vocational school, areavocational-technical school, technical college, community college, or four-yearcollege or university, adults who are students enrolled at any such educationalinstitution may be furnished such school bus transportation to or fromattendance at class, on a space available basis, along with the pupils of theschool district. Whenever any school district shall furnish transportation foradult students pursuant to a policy adopted under authority of this section,such transportation shall be furnished subject to such terms and conditions asthe board of education of the school district shall impose.
(b) Fees for the furnishing of transportation for adult students pursuant toa policy adopted under authority of this section may be charged such adultstudents to offset, totally or in part, any costs incurred by a school districtin the furnishing of such transportation, or such transportation may befurnished free of charge. Any revenues received by a board of education as feescharged adult students for transportation furnished under authority of thissection shall be deposited in the general fund ofthe district and may be expended whether the same have been budgeted or not.
History: L. 1997, ch. 133, § 2;L. 2003, ch. 116, § 14; July 1.