72-8502. Teaching and school administration professional standardsadvisory board; establishment; composition; qualifications.(a) There is hereby established the teaching and schooladministration professional standardsadvisory board, referred toin this act as the professional standards board. The professionalstandards board shall have 21 members who shall be appointedby the state board of education.
(b) Candidates for the professional standardsboard, with the exceptionof members appointed under paragraphs (12) and (13)of subsection (d), shall have the following qualifications:
(1) Either be (A) certificated and actively practicing in Kansas, or(B) a member of the faculty of an institution ofpostsecondary education; and
(2) have at least five years' professional educationalexperience; and
(3) have been in active practice the immediately preceding threeyears and at the time of appointment.
(c) The state board of education shall obtain nominees for the professionalstandards board from thesectors of the profession to berepresented on the professional standards board according to rules andprocedures established bythe state board.
(d) The appointments made by the state board of education shallbe representative ofthe various elements ofthe educational community, and shall include the following:
(1) Seven classroom teachers from the public schools ofwhom at least one shallbe an elementary school teacher, at least one shall be a junior high or middleschool teacher and at least one shall be a senior high school teacher.
(2) One chief school administrator from the public schools.
(3) Three building level schooladministrators from the public schools of whom one shall be anelementary school administrator, one shall be a junior high or middleschool administrator and one shall be a senior high school administrator.
(4) One teacher from an areavocational school or an area vocational-technical school.
(5) One special education teacher from the public schools.
(6) One administrator from an area vocational schoolor an area vocational-technical school.
(7) One special education administrator from the public schools.
(8) One classroom teacher from an accredited nonpublic school.
(9) One school administrator from an accredited nonpublic school.
(10) One dean or head of the school ofeducation of a universityunder the supervision and control of the state board of regents.
(11) One representative of the faculty or administration of a privatefour-year college or university.
(12) One representative of the membership of a parent-teacherassociation who has never served on or been employed by a board of education.
(13) One person who is a member of the board of education of a schooldistrict.
(e) The members appointed under paragraphs (12) and (13)may advise, consult with and make recommendations to the other members ofthe professional standards board, but shall not have the power to vote.
(f) The commissioner of education or a member of the staff of thestate department of education recommended by the commissioner shallserve the professional standards board as secretary.
History: L. 1969, ch. 339, § 2; L. 1974, ch. 317, § 1; L.1975, ch. 385, § 1; L. 1979, ch. 232, § 2; L. 1984, ch. 271, § 1;L. 1988, ch. 284, § 1; July 1.