72-8904. Notice of hearing results; appeal to boardof education; hearingofficers; procedure.(a) Written notice of the result of any hearingimposing an extended-term suspension or an expulsion from schoolshall be given to the pupilsuspended or expelled from school, and to the parents or guardians of the pupilwithin 24 hours after determination of such result.
(b) Any pupil, age 18 or older, who hasbeen suspended for an extended term or expelled, or one of thepupil's parentsor guardians of a pupil under age 18, may appeal such suspension orexpulsion to the board ofeducation of the school district by filing a written notice of appealwith the clerk of the board of education not later than 10calendar days after receiving the written notice. Any such appeal shall beheard by the board of education, or bya hearing officer appointed by such board, not later than20 calendar days after such notice of appeal is filed. The pupiland the pupil's parents or guardians shall be notified in writingof the timeand place of the appeal hearing at least five days prior thereto.Such appeal shall be conducted under rules which are consonant withK.S.A. 72-8903, and amendments thereto. Except as provided by subsection(c), the decision on any such appeal shallbe rendered not later than five days after the conclusion of the appealhearing.
(c) For the purpose ofhearing an appeal of an extended-term suspension or an expulsion, theboard of education may appoint one or more hearing officers. Any suchhearing officer shall be a member of the board of education, acertificated employee of the school district, or an attorney admitted to thepractice of law in this state. Any such appointment shallapply to a particular hearing or to a set or class of hearings asspecified by the board of education in making the appointment.Whenever a hearing officer appointed under authority of this section hears anyappeal, the hearing officer shallprepare a written reportthereon to the board of education. After receiving any such report, theboard of education shall determine the matter with or withoutadditional hearing. If a hearing officer is appointed to hear an appeal, theboard shall render its decision not later than the next regularly-scheduledmeeting of the board following the date of the conclusion of the hearing of theappeal by the hearing officer. Any matter determined by the board ofeducation inaccordancewith this subsection shall be valid to the same extent as if thematter were fully heard by the board of education without a hearingofficer.
History: L. 1970, ch. 300, § 4;L. 1971, ch. 247, § 3;L. 1994, ch. 307, § 4;L. 2000, ch. 138, § 8;L. 2006, ch. 167, § 1; July 1.