72-967. Methods of compliance with requirements ofact; powers and duties of boards of education.(a) Each board, in order to comply with the requirements of this actshall have the authority to:
(1) Provide appropriatespecial education and related services forexceptional children within its schools.
(2) Provide for appropriate special education andrelated services in the home, in ahospital or in other facilities.
(3) Contract with another school district for specialeducation and relatedservices.Any such contract may provide for the payment of tuition and other costsby theschool district in which the child is enrolled.
(4) Enter into cooperative agreements with one or more other schooldistricts for special education and related services.
(5) Contract with any private nonprofit corporation orany public or private institution, within oroutside the state, which hasproper special education or related services for exceptional children. Whenever an exceptional child is educated by a private nonprofitcorporation or a public or private institution as provided underthis paragraph, such child shall be considered a pupil of the schooldistrict contracting for such education to the same extent asother pupils of such school district for the purpose of determiningentitlements and participation in all state, federal andother financialassistance or payments to such school district.
(6) Furnish transportation for exceptional children,whether suchchildren are residents or nonresidents of such school district, for theprovision of special education or relatedservices. In lieu of paying fortransportation, the board of the school district in which an exceptionalchild resides may pay all or part of the cost of room and board for suchexceptional child at the place where the special education or relatedservicesare provided.
(b) Special education and related services which are provided forexceptional children shall meet standards and criteria setby the state board and shall besubject to approval by the state board.
(c) Any contract entered into by a board under the provisions ofthis section shall be subject to change or termination by thelegislature.
History: L. 1974, ch. 290, § 8; L. 1976, ch. 306, § 1;L. 1999, ch. 116, § 13; July 1.