72-984. Performance goals and indicators forchildren with disabilities; reports to U.S. department of education; stateimprovement plan.The state board shall:
(1) Establish goals for the performance of children with disabilities in thestate that: (A)Will promote the purposes of this act; (B) are consistent, to themaximumextent appropriate,with other goals and standards for children established by the state board;(C) are the same as the goals included in the state's definition of adequateyearly progress under the federal no child left behind act of 2004, includingthe state's objectives for progress by children with disabilities; and (D)address graduation rates, dropout rates, and other factors as determined by thestate board;
(2) establish performance indicators the state will use to assess progresstowardachieving the goalsdesignated in paragraph (1), including the measurable annual objectives forprogress by children with disabilities; and
(3) annually report to the secretary of theU.S. department ofeducation, and tothe public, the progress of the state, and of children with disabilities in thestate, toward meetingthe goals established under this section.
History: L. 1999, ch. 116, § 9;L. 2005, ch. 171, § 11; July 1.