72-985. Assessment programs; participation bychildren with disabilities; reports to public.(a) (1) The state board and each board shall include exceptionalchildren in general state anddistrict-wide assessmentprograms, including assessments described in the federal no child leftbehind act of 2004 with appropriate accommodations and alternateassessments where necessary and as indicated in the children'srespective IEPs.
(2) In accordance with the federal law, thestate boardand each board shall develop guidelines for: (A) The provision ofappropriateaccommodations; and (B) for the participation of children withdisabilities inalternateassessments for those children who cannot participate in regular stateanddistrict-wide assessments as indicated in their respective IEPs.
(3) The guidelines for alternative assessments shall meet the requirementsof the federal law.
(b) The state board, and each local board with respect to districtassessments, shall make available to the public, and report to thepublic with thesame frequency and in the same detail as it reports on the assessment ofnondisabled children, the following:
(1) The number of children with disabilities participating in regularassessments and the number of those children who were providedaccommodations in order to participate in those assessments;
(2) the number of children with disabilities participating in alternateassessmentsthat are: (A) Aligned with the state's challenging academic and achievementstandards; or (B) based upon the achievement of children with disabilities;and
(3) the performance of children with disabilities on regular assessmentsand on alternate assessments if doing sowould be statistically sound and would not result in the disclosure ofpersonallyidentifiable information about an individualstudent compared with the achievement of all children, including childrenwith disabilities, on those assessments.
History: L. 1999, ch. 116, § 10;L. 2005, ch. 171, § 12; July 1.