72-999. Special education funding task force;membership; duties.(a) There is hereby established the special education funding task force. Thetask force shall be composed of 12 members, as follows:
(1) One member appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives;
(2) one member appointed by the president of the senate;
(3) one member appointed by the minority leader of the house ofrepresentatives;
(4) one member appointed by the minority leader of the senate;
(5) three members appointed by the board of directors of the Kansasassociation of school boards. Of such members, one member shall be from schooldistricts having an enrollment of at least 12,000 pupils; one shall be fromschool districts having an enrollment of less than 12,000 but more than 1,636pupils; and one shall be from school districts having an enrollment of 1,636pupils or less;
(6) three members appointed by the board of directors of the united schooladministrators. Of such members, one member shall be from school districtshaving an enrollment of at least 12,000 pupils; one shall be from schooldistricts having an enrollment of less than 12,000 but more than 1,636 pupils;and one shall be from school districts having an enrollment of 1,636 pupils orless. Members appointed pursuant to this paragraph shall include a person whois a chief financial officer of a school district and a person who is adirector of special education services;
(7) one member appointed by the board of directors of the Kansas nationaleducation association; and
(8) the commissioner of education, or the designee thereof. The commissionerof education shall serve ex officio and shall be a nonvoting member of the taskforce.
(b) Members shall be appointed to the task force on or before July 1, 2008.The first meeting of the task force shall be called by the commissioner ofeducation on or before August 1, 2008. Any vacancy in the membership of thetask force shall be filled by appointment in the same manner prescribed by thissection for the original appointment.
(c) (1) If approved by the legislative coordinating council, members of thetask force attending regular or special meetings or subcommittee meetingsauthorized by the task force, shall be paid amounts for expenses, mileage andsubsistence as provided in subsection (e) of K.S.A. 75-3223, and amendmentsthereto.
(2) The members of the task force shall select a chairperson andvice-chairperson from the membership of the task force.
(3) The task force may meet at any time and at any place within the state onthe call of the chairperson. A quorum of the task force shall be six votingmembers. All actions of the task force shall be by motion adopted by a majorityof those voting members present when there is a quorum.
(4) In accordance with K.S.A. 46-1204, and amendments thereto, thelegislative coordinating council may provide for such professional services asmay be requested by the task force.
(5) The staff of the office of the revisor of statutes, the legislativeresearch department and the division of legislative administrative servicesshall provide such assistance as may be requested by the task force. Uponrequest of the task force, the state board of education shall provideconsultants and assistance when requested by the task force. In addition andupon the request of the task force, the state board of education and schooldistricts shall provide any information and supporting documentation requestedby the task force.
(d) The special education funding task force shall:
(1) Study and make recommendations for changes in the existing formula forfunding of special education and related services including, but not limitedto, medicaid replacement state aid;
(2) conduct hearings and receive and consider suggestions from teachers,parents, the department of education, the state board of education, othergovernmental officers and agencies and the general public concerning fundingfor special education and related services; and
(3) make and submit reports to the legislature on the work of the task forceconcerning recommendations of the task force. Such reports also shall includerecommendations for legislative changes and shall be submitted to thelegislature on or before January 14th of each year.
(e) The task force shall cease to exist on June 30, 2011.
History: L. 2008, ch. 172, § 5; May 29.