72-9003. Policy of personnel evaluation; adoption;forms; contents; time.Each board shall adopt a written policy ofpersonnel evaluation procedure in accordance with K.S.A.72-9002 et seq., and amendments thereto. Every policy soadopted shall:
(a) Be prescribed in writing at the time of original adoption and atall times thereafter when any amendments are adopted.
(b) Include evaluation procedures applicable to all employees.
(c) Provide that all evaluations are to be made in writing and thatevaluation documents and responses thereto are to be maintained in apersonnel file for each employee for a period of not less than threeyears from the date each evaluation is made.
(d) Except as provided herein, provide that every employee inthe first two consecutive school years ofemployment shall be evaluated at least one time per semester by not laterthan the 60th school day of the semester. Anyemployeewho is not employed for the entire semester shall not be required to beevaluated. During the third and fourth years of employment,every employee shallbe evaluated at least one time each school year by not later than February15. After the fourthyear of employment, every employee shall be evaluated at least oncein every three years not later than February 15 of the school year inwhich the employee is evaluated.
History: L. 1973, ch. 281, § 3;L. 1981, ch. 295, § 2;L. 1982, ch. 304, § 2;L. 1983, ch. 244, § 1;L. 2003, ch. 104, § 3;L. 2006, ch. 45, § 2; July 1.