72-9509. Bilingual education fund; establishment;sources; reports to the state board.(a) There is hereby established in every school district a fund which shall becalled the bilingual education fund, which fund shall consist of all moneysdeposited therein or transferred thereto according to law. The expenses of adistrict directly attributable to such bilingual education programs shall bepaid from the bilingual education fund.
(b) Any balance remaining in the bilingual education fund at the end of thebudget year shall be carried forward into the bilingual education fund forsucceeding budget years. Such fund shall not be subject to the provisions ofK.S.A. 79-2925 through 79-2937, and amendments thereto. In preparing the budgetof such school district, the amounts credited to and the amount on hand in thebilingual education fund, and the amount expended therefrom shall be includedin the annual budget for the information of the residents of the schooldistrict. Interest earned on the investment of moneys in any such fund shall becredited to that fund.
(c) Each year the board of education of each school district shall prepareand submit to the state board a report on the bilingual education program andassistance provided by the district. Such report shall include informationspecifying the number of pupils who were served or provided assistance, thetype of service provided, the research upon which the district relied indetermining that a need for service or assistance existed, the results ofproviding such service or assistance and any other information required by thestate board.
History: L. 1979, ch. 220, § 8;L. 2005, ch. 152, § 41;L. 2006, ch. 197, § 27; July 1.