72-9605. State aid; requirements for obtaining;applications for.(a) In each school year, each board which has established and is maintaininga professional development program incompliance with the requirements of this act and which desires to secure stateaid for part of the cost of maintaining the program shall certify and file anapplication with the state board for approval of the program.
(b) Each board which is maintaining an approvedprofessional development program and which desires to secure state aidin any school year for part of the cost of exploring and implementinginnovative and experimental procedures, activities and services to be providedin the program for enhancement thereof shall certify and file an applicationwith the state board for approval of such procedures, activities and services.
(c) Applications shall be in a form prescribedand furnished by the department, shall contain such information as thestate board may require and shall be filed annually at a time to be determinedand specified by the state board. Approval by the state boardof the program, any innovative and experimental procedures, activities orservices provided therein, and the applicationshall be prerequisite to payment of state aid to any board.
History: L. 1984, ch. 260, § 5;L. 1992, ch. 89, § 4;L. 2003, ch. 9, § 6; July 1.